The Builders of The Silent Cities Lodge No. 4948


Bears Donation

Teddie Bears For Children in Hospital

Freemasonry has donated 3.5 Millon bears to hospital 

Toothbrushes Donation in Hospital

Toothbrushes For Children in Hospital

Donating 2.5 Million Pounds

Supporting the London Fire Bridage

Freemasonry has donated 2.5 Million pounds to London Fire Bridage 

Donating 3 Million Pounds

Supporting the London Air Ambulance

Freemasonry has donated 1 Million Pounds

COVID-19 Help

Volunteers, community members are charity champions have been uniting to show their support during the greatest global pandemic in living memory, with Freemasons donating a total 1 million pound to this cause. 

Volunteers, community members are charity champions have been uniting to show their support during the greatest global pandemic in living memory, with Freemasons donating a total 1 million pound to this cause. 

Lodge Charitable Donations

2024 Ladies night Gary Anderson
2023 Ladies night The Reverend Stuart Boyd raised £
2022 Ladies night Lee Kett and Corinne Gray raised over £1000 for the British Heart Foundation
2021 Ladies night Lee Kett and Corinne Gray
2020 Ladies night COVID_19
2019 Ladies night COVID_19
2018 Ladies night Dominique Coopman and Claudette coopman raised over £
2017 Ladies night Peter Sandy and Valerie Sandy raised over £
2016 Ladies night Robbie and Zena McKinven raised over £600 for the ?
2015 Ladies night Brian and Irene Sutton raised over £700 for the London Air Ambulance
2014 Ladies night Peter and Pat Wake raised over £300 for MK Charity for respite care

Volunteers, community members are charity champions have been uniting to show their support during the greatest global pandemic in living memory, with Freemasons donating a total 1 million pound to this cause.