PWA - Progressive Web Application

Let’s client access your products, services, and business solutions in one click

Progressive Web Apps Development

Web and Mobile technology are evolving day by day to provide better experience to users. PWA is a leap step to provide web with features of Native mobile app. PWA (Progressive Web Application) are web apps build with web development technology to delivery seamless experience and features of native mobile application.

PWA technology helps business to engage more customers, increase user visit time and most important easy to maintain (No updates like app store).

Do I Need PWA for my e-store?

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Client Words

Progressive Web Applications

Why PWA?

Uses of smart phone has rapidly increased in last few years and it’s increasing day by day. As per forecast provided Ericsson & The Radicati Group, there are 6.64 billion smart phone user worldwide i.e. approx. 83.32% of world population and to meet requirement of tech savvy users business needs to evolve themselves. PWA concept allows companies to deliver website with advantage of Native apps without downloading it from app store. A website that can be browse offline, with advantage of push notification, access of hardware and fast to use. Some Advantage of PWA are:

* Faster in compare of old technology websites
* Low data consumption
* Access like mobile app with one click
* Work offline or with low internet speed
* Usable with any device (Phone, tablet, laptop, Tvs) with high responsively design
* Easy to maintain, no update required like mobile apps and many more

Progressive Web Apps? It's Worth to adopt?

Website load time is always a big hurdle for any business looking forward to a featured reach website and with some extra effort to implement core features of PWA makes your customer happy with faster access to your store.

This is worth enough to think about PWA while it offers many other strong features to think about PWA. As technologies are evolving fast and to get hold of customers who are looking forward to the easiest and fast access, Business also needs to adopt fast.
Technology for now and future

There are various PWA technology and tools used by various companies as per their expertise and experience. Ask Online solutions works with REACT and AngualrJS framework for PWA apps. Introduced by Facebook, REACT is one of the widely accepted frameworks.

There are many other tools that helps to deliver PWA application including:

* Lighthouse by Google

* AMP (Accelerated Mobile page)

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